From the Bridgnorth Hoard, found in Shropshire on 10 October 2007
Los 2699
Constans, 337-350. Maiorina (Silvered bronze, 24 mm, 5.75 g, 12 h), Lugdunum. D N CONSTA-NS P F AVG Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constans to right; in field to left, A. Rev. FEL TEMP REPARATIO / ✱PLG Emperor, in military attire, standing front on galley, head to left, holding Victory on globe in his right hand and labarum in his left; on stern to right, Victory seated left, steering the ship; in field to left, A. Bastien 205. RIC 105. Some flatness on the reverse, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From the Bridgnorth Hoard, found in Shropshire on 10 October 2007, submitted for consideration as Treasure to the PAS and partially returned to the finders (PAS ID: HESH-881F86, BM Ref: 2007 T664).

In 2007, a metal detectorist prospecting a recently plowed potato field near Bridgnorth, Shropshire, found a large hoard of 2,892 coins contained in a large ceramic vessel, broken by the plow. While the oldest coin in the hoard was an antoninianus of Probus, the brunt of it consisted of Magnentian coinage and 'FEL TEMP REPARATIO' issues, including many imitations. Most likely, the hoard was buried between 355 and 361, a period of political turmoil in the western provinces as Constantius II, known for his extreme paranoia, rooted out Magnentius' former supporters after the latter's downfall in 353. Whether the hoard's owner was a victim of the ensuing witch hunt is, of course, unknown and perhaps the hoard's non-recovery is rather linked to monetary reforms which may have rendered the coins obsolete.
50 CHF
110 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 13-Mar-23, 17:11:30 CET
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